Collect Call Fees Charged by Bell Canada (Quebec)

File: 450-06-000001-176

Date: July 2021

What this case was about

The Plaintiff alleged that Bell Canada failed to disclose collect call rates to their recipients and that these rates are abusive. Bell denies any wrongdoing or liability in this matter. The parties have agreed to a settlement agreement which you can consult below.

Authorized Class

All natural persons in Quebec who have received and paid the charges associated with one or more local or long distance collect calls processed by Bell Canada between September 25, 2014 and September 30, 2022 inclusively, other than calls made from provincial correctional facilities located in the Province of Ontario using the Offender Telephone Management System (OTMS).


All legal persons, partnerships and associations or other groups not endowed with juridical personality in Quebec who have received and paid the charges associated with one or more local or long distance collect calls processed by Bell Canada between September 25, 2014 and September 30, 2022 inclusively, other than calls made from provincial correctional facilities located in the Province of Ontario using the Offender Telephone Management System (OTMS), and who did not invoice the charges to a third party (such as, but not limited to, a client, an organization or legal aid).

What does the settlement provide for?

Without admission of any kind, Bell Canada will pay $1,000,000 to fully and finally settle this action for the purpose of avoiding further costs and putting a final end to this litigation and to all related claims. This amount will be distributed on a pro rata basis among the class members entitled to an amount, after deduction of Class Counsel fees and other disbursements, costs and expenses to administer the settlement, subject to Court approval.

Who can benefit from the settlement?

The class members who received and paid the charges associated with one or more long distance collect calls will be eligible for a refund, to be paid on a pro rata basis, of the charges for long distance collect calls processed by Bell that appear on one of their invoices in the period between September 25, 2014 and September 30, 2022 inclusively.

To obtain a refund, class members entitled to an amount must submit a formal claim form and a copy of their invoice on which any such charges appear. A second notice will be published after the Court’s approval of the settlement to inform of the claims period during which the class members entitled to an amount will have to submit the claim form and the required documentation to benefit from the settlement.

This is a summary. Please read the detailed notice and the Settlement Agreement (available below) for more information.


For assistance, you may contact the Claims Administrator or class counsel:

Velvet Payments Class Action Services​
5900 Andover Ave. Suite 1
Montreal, Quebec
H4T 1H5
Phone: 1-888-770-6892

Class Counsel​
Me Joey Zukran
276 Saint-Jacques Street, Suite 801
Montreal, Quebec
H2Y 1N3
Phone: (514) 379-1572

Available Documents